December 05, 2022

It's time to say GOODBYE to inflammation 👋🏾

Healthy inflammation fights off foreign invaders, heals injuries, and mops up debris.

But when it's bad, excess inflammation in the body puts stress on your immune system, and we need our immune system working on FULL POWER this cold & flu season.



​The natural response to an injury or viral infection, is to send white blood cells to that area to protect, heal and restore (this is the body’s natural inflammation!) But when there is an overproduction of inflammation, it can damage other healthy cells, tissues, and organs - making your body vulnerable and resistant to healing.

Dr. Mark Hayman, author of The Diet That Can Cure Most Disease, says "An anti-inflammatory diet gets the junk out, and adds healing, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory foods—giving the body the power to heal."


6 Smart & Simple Anti-Inflammatory Food Choices

OMEGA 3s: Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, like salmon, mackerel, & tuna. Or even seed cycling with flaxseed & chia seeds can help maintain healthy levels of omega 3s.

PLANT-BASED PROTEINS: Chose beans, quinoa, nuts instead of red meats

ANTIOXIDANTS & SUGAR ALTERNATIVES: Make a bowl of berries & nuts when you’re having a hankering for sugar.

TUMERIC & ZINC: Every day, find a way to consume turmeric and zinc (either through supplement or food). Raw pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc and there are plenty of delicious recipes with turmeric (hummus, curry, soup).

GREENS! Eat your greens everyday! Cruciferous vegetables lower inflammation and include amazing immune boosting vitamins like Vitamin C & D! Win win. 🥦🥬🥗

HEALTHY OILS: Cook with good-for-you oils. Cooking certain oils beyond their smoke point can create PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats) that lead to carcinogenic compounds in the food that you eat. Stay away from processed or hydrogenated oil and use our 100% raw, Organic Coconut Oil for peace of mind and improved health. Read more about why the oil you cook with is SO important (you could be feeding your friends toxins at every cookout!).

These are the best foods that lead to a natural anti-inflammatory diet and help reduce inflammation so you can feel your best all year long!

Ready to keep your body healthy & sick-free this season? Shop Raw Coconut Oil HERE.

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