June 22, 2023

Say goodbye to chemicals and overpriced products this summer! 
Coconut oil is extremely versatile, with 101+ uses for one single jar of Dignity Coconuts Raw Coconut Oil. Try one of these natural swaps for common summer products.  SAFE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.
Simplify & Detox your summer with natural sunscreen, child-safe paint, camping supplies, healthy grilling, baby products, & more!

Less chemicals? YES. Less household toxins? YES. Cheaper? YES.

Coconut Oil DIY Hacks to Try This Summer:


#1) Natural Sunscreen ~ SPF 4

New research from the Environmental Working Group shows that 75% of commercial sunscreens include harsh ingredients that are toxic to your skin and the environment, not to mention disrupt your hormones and are linked to skin cancer!!

You may have heard you can use coconut oil as a natural sun protection. And while that's not a myth, there's more to it than that.

Here’s everything you need to know before using coconut oil as a sunscreen:

  • Coconut oil has an SPF of 4-8 and can block 20% of the sun’s damaging rays
  • Coconut oil is a great natural option for short periods of time in the sun, say going on a quick walk around your neighborhood.
  • We love coconut oil because we know it’s safe for our kids!

If you want to use coconut oil as a natural skin protector, try Dignity's 100% Organic and Raw Coconut Oil. It's centrifuge-extracted process guarantees you're getting all the moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties the coconut has to offer.

However, it's important to note that coconut oil should not be used as a primary skin protection, a replacement for sunscreen, or for longer periods of time in the sun! To keep your skin safe, the Skin Cancer Foundation recommends an SPF of at least 30. We prefer mineral sunscreens because they’re safer for our planet!

#2) Camping with Coconut Oil

Watch how Dignity Coconuts President Erik Olson and his wife Bet used coconut oil to replace over 7 items on their packing list during a trip to the Boundary Waters, Minnesota.

  • Cooking. Coconut oil has a high smoke point and is great for frying!
  • Deodorant. Due to its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil makes a great deodorant that won’t have your fellow campers smelling your BO.
  • Taking sap off your hands. No matter what you do, you're bound to get tree sap on your hands. Just rub a little coconut oil between your fingers and rinse with water for fresh clean hands.
  • Moisturize. Being outside all day can dry out your skin like nobody’s business. Just rub a little coconut oil in to soothe your skin.
  • Heal wounds. The wilderness = getting hurt. Rub some coconut oil on your scars and scratches to help them heal faster.
  • In the tent. Lube nowhere in sight? A little coconut oil goes a long way + it's 100% safe. 
  • Protect chapped lips. Don’t forget about your lips! Dab coconut oil to heal cracked lips and for an SPF of 5. 

#3) Child-Safe Color Paints 

Do you have littles at home who put everything they play with in their mouths? Or maybe you have one child who's learning to craft and ready to paint, but a toddler or baby who can't be trusted... We resonate!

It's tricky to find crafts for the whole family (especially when everyone is home longer during the summer!)

That's why we were excited to find a simple recipe with products we already had around the house.

2-ingredient non-toxic color paint

The Ingredients:

  • Non-toxic food coloring
  • Coconut oil

The Supplies:

  • Paper
  • Spoons
  • Muffin tin liners or small muffin tins

Fill each tin cup with 1 spoonful of coconut oil. You may need to melt the coconut oil down slightly, as you want to the consistency to be between a solid and liquid. Add 1 drop of non-toxic food coloring, mix, and VOILA!

Check out the youtube video tutorial here.

#4) Healthy & Clean Grilling

    Don't feed your friends toxins!

    Harvard Health's 2021 article on healthy cooking oils explains high heat causes molecules in oils to break apart, burn, become bitter, lose nutrients, and release smoke. Coconut oil is one of the plant oils that has a "high smoke point" so it can handle grilling temperatures of 400° and 500°.

    Another medical journal from 2020 linked the heating of fats and oils, especially those high in polyunsaturated fats (also called PUFAs), at temperatures beyond their smoke point can result in carcinogenic compounds in the food that you eat. They also found high consumption of these fats can cause the same cellular damage leading to Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other inflammatory disorders. The higher the PUFA count, the more toxins released.

    Vegetable Oil and Canola Oils were found to be some of the biggest culprits at 58% and 30-35% PUFAs. Even Olive Oil and Avocado Oil have between 8-10% PUFAs, but Coconut Oil is between 2-3%.

    So you could buy the fanciest steak or Waygu beef burgers, but your meat could become contaminated if not cooked with the right oil.

    Level up your grilling skills by learning how to:

    1. Avoid toxic fats & oils 
    2. Try our Non-toxic Steak & Veggies Grilling Recipe

    Go Natural with Dignity

    For more ideas, check out: 101+ ways to go natural with coconut oil - including beauty tips, cleaning tips, video tutorials, and 20+ ways to use for Mom & Baby.

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