June 14, 2024

Meet Clint– a proud father who loves his wife and children. However, with limited formal education, Clint was unsure how he would care for his family. He thought the big city was the only solution for secure employment. But then, tragedy altered his perspective and course. While Clint was away working in the city, a family medical emergency struck and he had to return home. He felt terrible that he was not there when his family needed him. On top of that, medical bills piled up and the reality of unemployment weighed Clint down. 

It was then that he decided it was time to find work closer to home. The high cost of living in the city, job insecurity, and being far from family were not the solution. Clint found Dignity and applied to get a fresh start. He was able to continue supporting his family rather than paying extra for city rent and transportation. 

But, most importantly, he found a strong and supportive community with his coworkers and was able to be a part of his family’s day-to-day life. In Clint’s words “In Dignity, your coworkers genuinely help each other; it's a great aspect. It's not like other jobs where you're left on your own. . . That's what's great here—the support and teamwork. That's the best thing here.” Clint has found happiness in working closer to home and breaking the myth that distance always brings more opportunities. 


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