February 20, 2018

Gluten Free. Dairy Free. Sugar Free.

and SO good!

Anybody else have spouses or children who devour granola? It's great when you can find foods that your family loves to eat (you feel like a hero every time you walk in the house with that particular item and the crowd goes WILD!) There is, unfortunately, one downside to granola. It can be very unhealthy. Most of the prepackaged stuff is full of syrups, starches, lots of butter, sugar, processed foods... yikes!

There is good news... YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN AT HOME! When you make it yourself, you can use real, whole (raw) foods without sacrificing flavor ;)

A friend of ours sent us her delicious recipe to share with all of you! One main ingredient you'll need is Dignity Coconut Oil - to bind the oats & nuts together. And as we stated before, this recipe is friendly for vegans (no butter or eggs), people sensitive to dairy and gluten (substitute normal oats for your favorite gf oats), and those cutting out processed sugar (this recipe does use honey & maple syrup, but make sure to use raw and/or 100% organic products to eliminate eating any added sugars).

Healthy Homemade Honey Granola

4 cups rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup pecans
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2 Tablespoon ground flax seeds
1/3 cup Dignity's Raw Coconut Oil
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup real maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Heat oven to 300 degrees
Combine oats, nuts, salt, cinnamon, and flax in large bowl.
Combine coconut oil, honey, and vanilla in another, smaller bowl.
Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Large wooden spoon works best.
Spread the mixture onto two regular size cookie sheets lined with parchment.
Bake 10 minutes. Then remove from oven and stir.
Place back into the oven and bake for 20 minutes or until slightly golden.
Remove from oven, stir granola, and allow to cool.
Store in airtight container. Enjoy!
(Note: Granola will crisp up while it is cooling)

Savers tip: Some of these ingredients (like nuts) can add up, so try to find a grocery store that sells them in bulk. This is definitely a cheaper option, as you usually pay less per pound than a package. Then you'll be able to make a larger batch of the granola or get more than one use out of your purchase.

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